If you’re a fan of refreshing green juices, you’ll find 5 simple recipes here. We’ll also get into the ongoing, if quiet debate about green juices vs green smoothies — which is better?
Honestly, this doesn’t have to be either/or; both have their benefits. In weighing the pros and cons purely in terms of convenience and ease, green smoothies win the day for me.
Clean-up is a snap, and with the whole leaf and accompanying fruit or fruits being used, the result is a beverage that, though it certainly doesn’t feel or look like it, is filled with fiber.
That said, I enjoy green juices on occasion as well; I get them fresh at a juice bar rather than make them myself.
High-speed blenders for green smoothies
Making good green smoothies requires you to own a high-speed blender. Though the two most popular brands are Vita-Mix and BlendTec, there are others. Comparison shop, of course, but know that in order to make a truly smooth green smoothie you need a good-quality high-speed blender, and not an ordinary blender.
Making the case for juices
On the other hand, arguing the case for juices, the essence of a lot more greens and fruits can go into one serving of juice, making it an incredibly potent source of all the nutrients and enzymes present in the produced used.
However, I know from personal experience, and that of a number of friends, that the clean-up required for juicing can be daunting. That point seems to be the most common deal-breaker in the juicer vs. blender debate if you are to choose but one.
Personally, I choose green smoothies for ease and clean-up. After a month or so of going gung-ho on a juicer a few years ago, I demoted it from the counter to the inside of a cupboard, and it rarely emerged after that. My Vita-Mix has been on the counter for more than a decade, and sees regular use.
Despite the fact that I love freshly pressed juices, especially green juices, I didn’t want to invest in another machine that would likely go by way of the first one.
I let someone else make my green juices! When I was writing Wild About Greens, I enlisted my son Evan to help me develop some green juice recipes in the conjunction with Karma Road, the organic vegan café at which he was then employed. And so, I thank him for helping to come up with these recipes, and to Karma Road in New Paltz, for providing the space and machinery! And also providing me with a great green juice whenever I’m in the mood for one.
Green “C” Monster Juice
Makes about two 12-ounce servings
A few good sources of vitamin C add up to one great C-filled juice—with plenty of great flavor, as well as nutrition.
- 2 to 3 carrots, cleaned and cut into chunks
- 2 big handfuls spinach (any variety), 3 to 4 kale leaves, or several beet greens, well washed and coarsely chopped
- 1/2 medium red or golden beet
- 1-inch piece of fresh ginger
- 2 to 3 oranges
Juice the first four ingredients and divide between two tumblers. Juice the oranges with a citrus juicer and add to the green juice.
Greens, Cucumber, and Apple Juice
2 servings, about 12 ounces each
Thanks to Karma Road, an incredible little vegan café (with a big heart) in New Paltz, NY for the idea for this juice. There is nothing in the world that feels as cleansing and refreshing to me.
- 3 to 4 kale leaves, torn
- 2 big handfuls spinach (any variety)
- 1 medium cucumber, cut into chunks
- 2 to 3 medium apples, cored and cut into chunks
- Juice of 1/2 to 1 lemon, to taste
Juice the first 4 ingredients and divide between two tumblers. Juice the lemon with a citrus juicer and add lemon juice to your liking to the green juice.
Beets and Greens Juice with Apple and Ginger
Makes about two 8-ounce servings
Beets, apple, and ginger has got to be my favorite juice combination. Adding the greens from the beets give this juice its leafy green boost.
- 1 medium beet, well scrubbed, bruised spots cut away
- Greens from 3 to 4 beets
- 3 medium apples
- Handful of parsley leaves
- 1-inch piece ginger
- 1/2 to 1 lemon, to taste
Juice the first 5 ingredients and divide between two tumblers. Juice the lemon with a citrus juicer and add lemon juice to your liking.
Spinach and Lettuce Refresher
Makes about two 8-ounce servings
This hydrating juice is wonderful for warm weather, served over ice.
- 2 big handfuls spinach (any variety)
- 4 leaves romaine lettuce
- 2 medium apples
- 1/2 medium cucumber
- Handful of parsley leaves
- 1/2 lemon or lime
- Agave nectar to taste
Juice the first 5 ingredients and divide between two tumblers. Juice the lemon or lime with a citrus juicer and add lemon juice to your liking.
Sparkling Spinach Juice
Makes two 12-ounce servings
These ingredients add up to a delightfully refreshing green “soda.”
- 1 medium cucumber, cut into chunks
- 1 celery stalks, cut into chunks
- 2 big handfuls of spinach leaves
- Handful of parsley leaves, optional
- Juice of 1 lemon or lime
- Seltzer, as needed
- Agave nectar to taste
Juice the first 3 ingredients (plus the parsley if using) and divide between two tumblers. Juice the lemon with a citrus juicer and divide between two tumblers.
Fill the tumblers with seltzer (leaving a little room for ice if desired), then sweeten with agave nectar. Serve at once at room temperature or over ice.
See more recipes for beverages and explore the Tips & Trends section.
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